About Me,..

Where do I begin?  I'm a thirty something man living in Montreal Quebec Canada.  As a kid growing up, I played sports, especially lots of martial arts and of course hockey( kinda mandatory..)  I am of Italian and Scottish, Irish, French Canadien ancestry.  I have lived, I have loved, and been blessed to have had many different adventures.  Currently I am working in the Fitness Industry as a Trainer but am now studying as an external student at the Grand Seminaire de Montreal, who knows where I'll end up!   I love philosophy, prowrestling and Transformers, thus was created the character of Optimusmastro(my alter ego!) I am temperamental, key word 'mental' (joke!) and still train avidly using weight resistance, MMA and some boxing.  Just because you are discerning priesthood doesn't make you automatically have an interest in arts and crafts! If you need a quick program template, either to bulk up or to lose weight just send me your height and weight, also any medical history...As well, if you need any support and also feel yourself called by God,.I do answer all my emails,..just give me some time to get through to all of them!  Finally, blogging takes time, if you can help support this endeavour either through prayer or through buying Optimusmastro a protein shake, (freewill offering) it is much appreciated!  My goal is two fold.  Through this blog, I would like to show the reality of a man TRYING to live his Faith, the ups, the downs, and everything in between.  I struggle with issues such as women, pre marrital sex, money, alcohol, drugs, pornography you name it!  We are all in this together!  Yet the Church has consistantly had the answer,..too bad our generation wasn't told.  The second reason for the blog, is well,..The next time someone asks why you are Catholic?  You can look at them square in the eye and say,.'Because it is true.'

*** Update***  I am now a candidate for priesthood, living at the Grand Seminaire de Montreal...  God bless and thanks for all your prayers!

***On January 4th of 2016, I suffered a nervous breakdown.  I requested some time and was given all the time in the world, as it would seem Priesthood is not for me.  I have since returned to training, albeit in a Jiu Jitsu context, and I remain a 'pastoral agent' working with grieving families.  

God Bless
Marco aka Optimusmastro