Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Madness...

I'd like to begin by wishing everyone a Happy and Holy Easter season,.and with it the joy of the Resurrection bringing about abundant Grace to change our lives. This Easter like other Easters I found myself attending the Easter Vigil on Saturday night at St Patrick's Basilica in Montreal. What an impressive sight! The darkness, the incense, the procession into Church,..all commemorating the Lord's passing from death to life! Finally the Gloria is sung and the Sanctuary comes alive with the Ressurection! What an intense feeling! I personally don't care what anyone thinks, but anyone who calls themselves Catholic and doesn't appreciate that Liturgical moment is in need of a lobotomy! The joy of celebrating the Eucharist with new Catholics is incredible!

Then there's Easter morning,.although not obligatory because the Vigil is considered a Mass, it is still nice to attend....Except.....(All you politically correct people, I'm about to drop a bomb, cause Lord knows the priests won't do it!) the twice a year catholics(small 'c') are out in force! My question is simple,.What the hell are they going for? Is it customary? To please Grandma? Perhaps its just something they 'do.'? I know a lot of these people and they range from universalists(everyone is going to Heaven cause God is Love...)to atheists who think Jesus was a really nice man...But the Resurrection is sooooo far from their thought process that if we ask the ones who are parents, you'll wind up with answers ranging from Jesus is a magic man who travels with the Easter bunny(in december its Santa Claus)bringing chocolates,..all the way to blank stares. Wait though, here is the kicker! As if this exercise in the absurd isn't enough, they rush up for Communion as if it were a cafeteria line and exit the Church quicker than Judas at the Last Supper. The ones that don't, still occupy pews that the church pillars sit in. Not the concrete pillars, I'm speaking about the little blue haired old ladies praying the Rosary and faithfully attending, it becomes painful to see them standing because there isn't enough room, and some of that crowd need a place to put their Tim Horton's coffee.(I kid you not!...)

Is there a positive side? Yes they are there. We can petition Almighty God during the Eucharist that some grace may penetrate just one soul, and it will all be worth it. We must be compassionate to these people, but we must love them enough to tell them the truth. This, my friends is where we as Catholic Christians are failing miserably.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those who are in most need of thy Mercy.


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