Thursday, June 23, 2011

RIP Catholic French Canada....

A culture devoid of conscience, materialistic and ultimately morally bankrupt,..Canada,.my home and native land.  Today, I realized my Canadian'ness has been compromised, and Trudeau's vision of multiculturalism will ultimately lead to our demise.  Am I proud to be Canadian?  I guess so,..but compared to some of my American facebook friends, I guess I just don't feel myself patriotic at all.  Case in point; driving in New Jersey,.we always noticed American flags everywhere,..big ones, and bigger ones.   What distinguished us at one time?  Simply put our Catholicism.  Canada was founded by two solitudes, the french 'canadien' and the british.  Okay, now you figured out that I'm eastern Canadian.  Les Canadiens, became Canadiens-Francais and finally morphed into what are called Quebecois.  At least that is what popular media (separatists) call them.  Warning:  this type of post always comes up around 'la Saint Jean' as tomorrow is June 24th...ughhh...

Well, no longer do we celebrate 'La Saint Jean,.'  instead we have 'la fete National.'  St Jean was too Catholic and didn't have enough separatist undertones.   As we push forward becoming the muslim country which will pave the way for the States to later become a muslim country, several things cross my mind,..the empty Churches?  Check!  The lack of children and thus aging population?  Check!  The 'I don't care if I work,..I'll just live off the government,'  Check!  We can draw comparisons with the Roman Empire.  Yes, my friends, as sad as it may seem,,this generation is seeing the onset of the end of Western Civilization,...Oh Canadastan,..Allahu Akbar!  Thanks Baby boomers, you did a bang up job!

St Jean Batiste,....priez pour nous...


Xian Garvida said...

this must be a challenge for you and for is the time that we raise our voices and be heard...God be with us!

Anonymous said...

RIP Catholic French Canada....
I think the key is family. Who is the "Leader" and who is the major influence. As family break for whatever reason, so do the ties to spirituality...or maybe that is why the family broke.Really what is the future of Catholism unless the youth is more involved? Family is not involved, school is not involved... the Church has lost traditional avenues.

Your on the right track though... blogging,and being involved in health and fitness... you can reach out to people... although they may not always agree... you have a better chance of making people look up to you with respect and understand the importance of Church or at least question their practices...

Left-footer said...

I think I know that feeling of powerlessness and depression - it drove me out of the U.K.

But while we have voices, we must raise them to tell the truth, even if only God and His Saints are listening.

You do a grand job. Don't falter. God bless!

Jeanne said...

So I'm not the only one who has noticed the "Fête Nationale?" Most people still refer to it as La Saint-Jean though... it'll take another 10 years at least before "La Fête Nationale" really catches on.

Living in the Montreal area is probably the worst... Montreal is like a city apart in a province that is not really as leftist as Montreal (and the powers that reign over Québec) would have it look.