Wednesday, March 9, 2011

For Lent,..Let's give up 'Social Justice.'

Being a proud Canadian, I have come to accept certain realities pertaining to my 'home and native land' as a matter of culture bordering on patriotism.  As Canucks, we are not exactly known as a 'superpower' in terms of military strength, and our laid back attitude is known world wide for being a 'too nice' and too (ready for it??)  Socialist.  Well this week, inserted into the Parish bulletin was a little gem put forth by Development and Peace, a 'Catholic' organization run by people so left of centre, they make Lenin look like Stephen Harper.  It seems, with the approval of the Canadian Catholic Bishops no doubt,. we can all make our lent a little more social justice conscious.  Well,..isn't that the silliest pile of bullshit perpetrated as yet to date by the eco-feminazi terrorist heterodox forces still in full control of the Canadian hierarchy!  So let's see, let's not have a 'call to holiness' instead let's make sure the trees and whales are safe, along with migrant cell phone workers getting recompensated for suffering carbon emmissions.  (Or whatever else can distract from pro life issues,... no mention of abortion/gay marriage..)  So by now your thinking when is this guy gonna stop ranting about social justice?!?  Well the answer is when social justice actually becomes social justice instead of a cleverly (not so much anymore...) disguised form of marxism used to keep people in ignorance.  (See my posts on Socialism and its relationship/denial of original sin...)   So we Canadians, through Development and Peace tag teamed with heterodox 'theoligians' will mark our foreheads with ashes this ash Wednesday, and you'd better make sure those ashes are eco-friendly!  Next we'll suffer through yet another Lenten Retreat reaffirming our 'okayness' and celebrating the US's election of Obama,..(YES WE CAN!) Sometimes the ridiculousness gets so out of control, I feel the need to call in Christina Beattie and the Young Americans for Freedom to purge Canada of this socialist crap!  Gregory Baum, Jack Layton, Gilles Duceppe, Michael Igniatieff beware!!!!!  (insert GI Joe Season 1 theme...)

So my fellow Canadians, let's all take this opportunity this Ash Wednesday to medidate upon Jesus in the desert.  The Ashes, calling to mind our own mortality, that we are dust.  Our sins caused the Passion and death of our Lord.  His Ressurection gives us reassurance of Eternal life!  This Lent let's all give up the social justice bullshit and concentrate on our relationship spiritually with God.  Perhaps a conscience exam before we go to bed, frequent confession maybe a little corporal mortification.  What we give up, we do freely and thus we suffer.  Let's not forget to unite that suffering to the Cross.  Canada,.our country was founded by the two solitudes, french and english, Catholic and protestant.  Quebec, my province at one time the jewel of the Vatican and North America's Catholic enclave has now become more secularized than an atheist visiting Amsterdam,.all because of this mentality that although dying, isn't dying out fast enough!  This Lent, let's offer it up for our immortal souls,..and leave the water supply in Bangladesh for a later thought.  We let Jesus fix our souls, I have no doubt the rest will flow from it.

Our Lady of Fatima,....Ora Pro Nobis.


Teresa B. said...

Great post! Came to your site through Big Blue Wave.
What about Social Justice in the Catholic School system! There is a huge problem with that in the Ontario system.

Left-footer said...

Great, Marco, and vigorous as ever, and most important, true!

Have a good Lent!

J said...

Nice. Loved the "...atheist visiting Amsterdam" line. Also loved how you found a way to work Christina in there. Nice work. Now get me my coffee and my smarties! lol

Patrick Button said...

Well said! Or rather, typed.

Teresa said...

Great post! I can certainly live without the Liberals distorted view of "social justice". In fact, as hard as this may sound, I think I am going to try and give up liberals for Lent. LOL!

Jessica said...

"Social justice begins in the womb."