Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lenten Reflections and a Potential New Beginning.

Well,.it would seem the silence of Optimusmastro can no longer contain itself.  Too many world events, scandals and personal growth result in a blog post very erratic, contemplative and as usual controversial .  To begin, our thoughts and prayers go out to the people in Japan.  A recent Earthquake(9 on the Richter scale) devasted Japan, and caused a subsequent Tsunami to wash ashore.  On top of that the fall out has affected a few Nuclear reactors causing a worldwide panic.  Economic issues aside, (Japan is the world's third largest economy) the humanitarian crisis has no doubt been at the forefront of this catastophic situation.  What made matters worse, was as a Canadian, our indifferentism manifested itself with a complete lack of prioritization.  Newspapers and talk shows ran amok with opinion and news not on Japan, but on a hockey incident involving Max Paccioretty and Zdeno Chara.  Chara turnbuckled Paccioretti and thus sent Canadians frothing at the mouth!   (Talk about misplaced priorities?!?)  Was it a bad hit?   Well, ya, but compared to a near nuclear meltdown, I think our thoughts and prayers could have been distributed a little differently.  (Note:  Dear Hockey fans,..I too am a hockey fan, but please get your heads out of your asses,..signed,. a concerned citizen.)

Moammar Gaddaffi, champion defender of the religion of peace has been causing quite a world ruckus whereby he's been firing weapons at his own people.  Libya, has been following the lead of other Arab,...err,.no,..MUSLIM countries and attempting to undertake a reform through a type of people's revolution.  Egypt, Tunisia and other countries were/are demanding change in their respective regimes and thus potentially paving the way for democracy.  Well,.Libya is a little different, just a little...You see Libyan leader Moammar Gaddaffi has decided to kill his own protestors,..and the left including Barrack Hussain were a little late in realizing this magnitude.  You see, in the name of tolerance, peace and every other buzzword, 'right' and 'wrong' never seem to factor into the equation!  (Also, interesting to note that Barrack Hussain's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright is chummy chummy with Gaddaffi,..not surprising!)  To 'bottom line' it,..Gaddaffi needs to be removed plain and simple, and no it is not a crusader mission of aggression! 

Fr John Corapi, the popular priest has, through his website released that there have been letters of accusations sent to several Bishops regarding sexual missconduct and drug abuse with several women.  Fr Corapi is vigourously denying these charges and until he's proven guilty, I will stand by him.  Every Lent it would seem, a new attack is launched with regards to someone trying to undermine a 'good' that is happening. Well,..Fr Corapi got in front of his accusers and is calling them out!  Good for you Father!  (I wouldn't be surprised if his accusers weren't liberal weak kneed bishops attempting to discredit his reputation and name,..a sad reflection on my part,..)

As far as the quagmire that is my emotional stability, a new/old front has surfaced on the horizon.  Where this adventure will lead me,.no one knows.  I will say this;  The Greeks taught that one of the degrees of Love is 'Philia.'  My new adventure has begun with Philia(Friendship), and never have I been happier.  The one thing that I can appreciate is that despite anything else, this aspect is now deepening to see if it can be taken to another level.  The qualites that I appreciate in Philia, only amplify themselves watching a selfless individual putting herself always at the service of others.  Her own notwitstanding, but two others who are sorely in need of a true authentic role model.  How many people in life can say they've met a truly self giving person?  After this week, I can attest to it. 

Our Lady of Akita,...Ora Pro Nobis


TH2 said...

Re: Hockey - If you ever watch the pre-game to HNIC on Saturdays, including intermission programs, it's like viewing a religious event. So spectacular, so over the top. It's like Canada is just hockey... So you know, I've played for most of my life. Got a game tonight, in fact.

Very glad to hear about the happiness with your friend.

Optimusmastro said...

Thanks Hunter! Most of us learned how to skate before we could even walk. Although I was more into fighting sports, we all played hockey as kids.

Christina Helena said...

Thanks for making my day for the millionth time.

Optimusmastro said...

Thanks Christina! Hope all is well and your Lent is bearing fruit! :)

Kelly said...

Good post Marco...