Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gym Priestess

The other day I found myself rereading one of John Paul II's last encyclicals,..'On the dignity of Women.'  Now before the mandatory subjective reaction from the left kicks in, to summarize his main point is that men and women are equal but different.  What that means essentially is that it does not come down to the simplistic biological/anatomical differences highlighted by today's post modern nonsense,..but instead a realistic approach highlighting the emotional, psychological and overall complimentarity regarding the two sexes.  Now the liberals must be fuming, cause y'know,..I'm making sense,..and truth hurts.  Why this drab post?  Simply put, running the gammit of conversation topics one can run into working out of a gym can be downright diverse if not incredibly interesting!  Case in point, yesterday, a client found my facebook page and realized that it was 'too Catholic' for her tastes and then goaded me into a conversation about how the Church must change and ordain women.  'Women have every right to be priests!' (Again,..her words..) The initial onslaught was over, now it was time to respond,..either in typical Optimusmastro fashion or try another approach..one that will allow me to dissect her argument before offering the Church's position.  Simply put I needed the tagteam calm cool approach of Fr Barron and Fr Grunow from 'Word on Fire' style.  So here goes,...

If Jesus ordained His twelve Apostles and not His Mother, can a case be made from the standpoint of history?  I would beg the proponents of so-called women's ordination to examine first and foremost this very fact.  Secondly,.the Church through John Paul II 'Ordinatio Sacercodatilis' clearly stated that the Church has no authority to ordain women.  It should be case closed right?  Wrong!  You wanted Optimusmastro?  Optimusmastro here now!!!  Hey liberals what is your major malfunction in which you see your main mission to question everthing from mathematics to colour to gravity in the name of fairness and justice (BS) yet fail to accept the answer as it is given to you?!?  Well,..here goes,.you can't accept it because your ego driven stupidity has turned Theology into a catastrophic lab experiment since the nineteen fifties and sixties.  So let's start at the onset and ask ourselves a question.  Why can't I give birth?  I mean,..I FEEL that I have just as much RIGHT as a woman to give birth?  So therefore I'm gonna petition God to grow a vagina, uterus and breasts in order to facilitate this DEMAND!  Now I hope after reading this, one can recognize the absurdity in it, however if you voted NDP, or in the States, Obama, I guess I'll just have to take it up that you might be a little slow. (That's Mentally Challenged for the PC crowd...)

Seriously, humour aside, God through creation discriminates,..I mean we don't have wings, yet birds and bats do?  C'mon God,.that's unfair!  Well it is true that it is unfair, but it is the way God intented it!  We belong to Him, not He to us!  Theological Truth exists, so here it is.  The Church by Her nature is female,..(ever notice we call Her 'Mother')  Secondly the ordained priest is an icon of Christ,..'Alter Christus' acting 'in personae Christi capitas..' as priest offering and as victim.  Now we'll tie it all together,..ready?  The Mass mirrors three things,..the Cross(Calvary), the Last Supper, and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb,.(New Jerusalem coming down...)  The priest(bridegroom) and the Church (bride)...By now all you liberal/progressive/modernist/feminazi/lesbian/social justice/eco-spirtiwhatevers are sweating because it is kinda starting to 'gulp' make sense!  Why no woman priestesses?  If you can't figure it out now, you won't ever.  Lastly, coming back to the gym lady's statement,.I answer that no one has a right to be a priest,..it is a calling.  Honestly, freely giving up a wife and kids if there was no calling has to be one of the most ridiculous if not downright ludicrous things I have ever heard.  Any priest worth his salt, always submitted to God's will through discernment and a first call to celibacy, then priesthood.   I've vented enough for today,..just like Joe Pesci in 'My Cousin Vinny'  "I got no more use for dis guy!"

St Joseph,.........Ora Pro Nobis


Mike said...

it was 'too Catholic' for her tastes and then goaded me into a conversation about how the Church must change and ordain women.

"The Catholic Church is the only thing that frees a man from the degrading slavery of being a child of his age" -GKC

It's amazing how even more relevant that quote is today....

BTW, I liked Mark Shea's short piece on this topic...You may have read it already, but if you haven't...

Rights and Gifts

Optimusmastro said...

Thanks Mike,..

Patrick Button said...

Feminists insist that women be treated exactly like men and that they should also receive a year of paid maternity leave.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others-Animal Farm

Left-footer said...

This is great stuff, Marco, and I can't think how I missed it earlier. Tweeting it now, and tweeting a recommendation to follow your blog regularly.

You have a fine ability to explain energetically and lucidly, and need to reach an even wider public.

Optimusmastro said...

Thanks,.Left Footer! Appreciate your remarks!

Optimusmastro said...

@ Patrick,..love the Animal Farm reference!

Teresa said...

Great post, Marco!

Not sure how I missed this post.

But, the Left want us to be robots.

I wouldn't say that women and men aren't equal but rather different and equal in different capacities.

Patrick Button said...

Teresa: I of course agree that men and women are equal but different. I did not mean to imply otherwise.

Jessica said...

How old was this woman? I've found most comments like this are from an older, embittered 'lady' (sometimes even from the EPSS) and I just wanna say, "Lady, back off."

Love your blog, btw.

Optimusmastro said...

Thanks for the comments Ranter,..I've been following you too for a bit!