Monday, January 9, 2012

Michael Voris and Modern Martyrs...

It seems everyone today tries to appease everyone else.  Ideologies are easily set aside in order to accomodate everybody's belief, right to believe it, right to practice it and right to uphold it.  Every belief that is, except one, (drum roll,.....) CHRISTIANITY!!!!  In particular the Catholic Church.  At almost every turn, there seems to be an attack, only these 'attacks' are not from an external source.  (Yes, Satan if you really look to the absolute real source...) These attacks come from entities operating under the guise of so-called progressive 'catholicism' such as 'Call to Action,'  'Development and Peace,' and 'Voice of the Faithful.'  They also come from ideological movements such as Liberation Theology.  Think critically my friends, and look at the latest stuff happening.  Fr Frank Pavone, accused of financial irreguliarities while directing 'Priests For Life.'  His Bishop, Patrick Zurek has assigned him a convent where he continues his ministry.  He has appealed to the Vatican which is his right to do so.  He has always been a priest in good standing.  Next up, we have the whole Fr Corapi/Blacksheepdog mess.  Yes, since the new year, the website has disappeared, nevertheless, Fr Corapi's talks worldwide have brought Catholics back to their faith with enthusiasm and downright gusto!   Satan definetly saw him as a target. 

The most recent one, deserves its own paragraph.  Michael Voris, the voice of RealCatholicTv has been ordered by the archdiocese of Detroit to conform with canon law and not use the word 'Catholic' in his ministry.  My question is,..What the hell else is he supposed to call it?  The accusers, (remnant/disgruntled hippies and feminazis from the Bishop Gumbleton days,..) are using Canon law to justify their claims.  This issue has yet to be resolved.  Why are people so afraid of Voris?  Is it his forthright style?  His 'tell it like it is attitude?'  Or maybe his magic hair?  Personally Michael Voris is the breath of fresh air that I and countless other Catholic men need!  I highly doubt Bishop Vigneron is the one behind this, but I would suspect that his staffers upset at the New Liturgy Translation, are lashing out and trying to pin down Voris for his 'dangerous' (code word for truthfull) commentary.

The groups I mentioned will get there own spotlight,.and perhaps liberation 'theology' will get a few posts treated to it.  As Catholic men, we are responsible for our children and those under our care,..Let's start by asking the heavy questions??  You ready?  I'll start.  'Why are we so concerned about Michael Voris' ministry and threatening him with the full weight of canon law,.yet,..Fr Richard McBrien is still allowed to teach 'theology' at Notre Dame?'  (crickets chirping,..).  Oh,.you think I forgot?  Development and Peace has been bs'ing their way into the faithful Canadians' pocketbooks and brainwashing people with 'Cardinal Bernadin inspired seamless garment crap.'  Here is great link,..Lifesite News .  Ooops, forgot!  Liberals can't link to this one, considered too dangerous might harm their self esteem, so I'll give you another beauty,. Heresy Hunter!  This fellow Canadian has been exposing Development and Peace's big pile of steaming hot garbage for a while now!  (I put the link to the blog,..liberals seriously, read it the whole blog, you'll laugh and might learn something!)

Pope St Pius X,...........ora pro nobis.


Anonymous said...

I really wish all this accusations against Fr. Frank will be cleared up soon! Okay, so his bishop says financial improprieties at the beginning but where then is the absolute doggone truth behind the accusations? Then bloggers act so rabidly by jumping on the mob mentality of crucifying Fr. Frank without any proof!

Anonymous said...

Here's another thing! Why is Fr Frank still being held in Amarillo? Why won't the bishop let him go back to doing his pro-life work? Does anyone else see how it seems so dubious that Bishop Zurek takes Fr. Frank out of the pro-life movement during this critical time of the up coming elections?

Optimusmastro said...

Dear Anonymous,..We have been praying for Fr Frank! Sometimes the enemy uses whatever tactics he can to shut down an 'offensive' ministry! But to Fr Frank's credit, he is obediant while still doing whatever pro-life work he can! I'm sure this one will get cleared up soon! God Bless!

Caroline said...

We should ask for prayers to let all these conflicts within the Catholic Church be resolved. Particularly between Fr. Frank and Bp Zurek. I really hope the truth will come out soon and Fr. Frank will be brought back again into the pro-life movement soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Marco! I really appreciate your note. My friends and I have been praying for the bishop to be enlightened. Why he would silence one of the most prominent voices in the pro-life movement is beyond words!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first comment. Everything is so silent now. I bet the Bishop got a slap on the hand. Afterall everything that was posted on the Amarillo Globe was the real only news. I wonder if this was a Bishop trying to get some attention and using a priest like Fr. Frank to do so.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the Vatican has already had a word with the Bishop - in my opinion all this started cause of him. I 2nd what one of you Anonymous commentators said- there is only one newspaper making an issue of this. It just may be that the reporter was hired by the Bishop in Texas to make a big stink out of what seems to be nothing. Seems like the Bishop can't state if an impropriety took place. Fr. Frank's obedience and his continued effort to save the defenseless unborn speaks louder than words.

Sprecfien ist silbern, Schweigen ist golden (Speech is silvern, Silence is golden); or as I might rather express it: Speech is of Time, Silence is of Eternity." Thomas Carlyle

Cassie t said...

Why is Fr. Frank still in Amarillo? Okay so he's been told to be obedient. He HAS been! There is no question about that. I read on Jill Stanek's site that Bishop Zurek who initially claimed he never got the financial reports of Priests For Life FINALLY admitted after months of keeping Fr. Frank in Amarillo that HE DOES HAVE THEM AFTERALL.

What game is Bishop Zurek playing?

Julie said...

Jacob cheated, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Moses committed murder, Gideon was insecure, Miriam gossiped, Martha worried, Thomas doubted, Sara was impatient, Elijah was moody, Zacchaeus was short, Abraham was old & Lazarus was dead. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the CALLED!

Only God knows the heart of His children! I believe they are all innocent!

Zita said...

This article saddens me because of the truth behind it. We are attacked internally more often then i would like to hear. When i heard of Bishop Zurek putting Fr Pavone on the sidelines i knew we (catholics) were in trouble. We are being pushed, poked, and tested. Let us all pray and remain united. Lets pray that it gets resolved quicker than it has been. The babies still need him!

TexasChic said...

Its a new year. Hopefully bishop zurek will be behaved this year and allow Fr. Frank to go back to the pro-life movement soon and whatever it is the bishop has got against Fr. Frank will be laid to rest. I agree with one of the anonymous posters who said that Fr. Frank's name has got to be cleared very soon. The Vatican has got to get a move on!

Anonymous said...

Have you all seen the videos Fr. Frank has been taping? It seems like this trial or so called "attack" on his ministry and that of PFL has been turned into a time of refining gold. I don't think Fr. Frank would easily stop fighting for the unborn. This is something to ponder on. He is a champion of our Faith. Father's example of obedience is praiseworthy. It's important to pray for the Bishop as I am sure God will allow him some kind of purification in the end as He does with all of us. I am thankful that although Father was taken away from Priests for Life - he is able to be in a prayerful atmosphere and do his work all at once.

I like to think that God refines us thus allowing growth within. Just like when gold is honed with heat. When all the impurities are removed, what’s left is so clear that a person can see his own reflection. It is totally pure with no imperfections.

God wants to be able to see His reflection in us because all the junk has been removed by various trials that we have come through successfully. He deems the trial of faith even more important than gold, because it will stand the test of time.

Gold will eventually perish, but God does eternal things through us when we overcome trials.

This too shall pass!

caroline said...

Julie, KUDOS on your post. I could not agree with you more.

We need other men and women to step up into the plate just as Fr. Frank Pavone has and a lot of people dont like it so they try to silence him. Why? because Fr. Frank speaks the truth because most people CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH.

Pro Choices and Planned Parenthood deny the pictures of aborted babies shown on the web that "they are not real" or "That's not what an aborted baby looks like" to fool, cheat, lie and deceit men and women alike.

Some thing has got to get done so Fr. Frank Pavone can return to the Pro-life movement NOW! Let's appeal to the vatican, or to the archdiocese and whoever cares to listen!

Anonymous said...

Dear Zita, it isnt just the Catholics who are in trouble but the entire pro-life movement itself. This is an attack from within the Church and it is so disheartening. Yes, there is a Judas amongst them and in my opinion that would be Bishop Zurek.

Selena said...

Bishop Zurek should be patting Fr. Frank on the back for helping other ministries who are geared to ending abortion just like Fr. Frank instead of crucifying him. We all need to pull together if we want abortion to end. We should all join the fight and be just as vocal as Fr. Frank is to voice the ugly truth about abortion.


Selena said...

Bishop Zurek should be patting Fr. Frank on the back for helping other ministries who are geared to ending abortion just like Fr. Frank instead of crucifying him. We all need to pull together if we want abortion to end. We should all join the fight and be just as vocal as Fr. Frank is to voice the ugly truth about abortion.


Anonymous said...

Indeed it sad that Bishop Zurek acted as Judas Iscariot by betraying a priest/son.

What was in it for Bishop Zurek? What was he trying to prove? Judas was greedy and sold innocent blood. I wonder if Bishop Zurek realizes that innocent blood is being shed as Fr. Frank a pro-life champ sits at a convent while he could be in New York rallying pro-lifers to save more lives.

In the end the TRUTH SHALL SET US FREE!!!

Anonymous said...

Ora pro nobis is right!

Bishop Zurek I pray that the Vatican guide you as it is clear you are hurting more people than helping them. Shame on you!

United we stand, "divided we fall"

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand".
Matthew 12:25